S.S. Patta


S.S. Patta

Stainless steel rolling patta, commonly known as rolled sheet or coil, is a versatile material widely used in the manufacturing of utensils and kitchenware. Its smooth surface, durability, and corrosion resistance make it ideal for kitchen applications. Rolled patta undergoes a rolling process to achieve the desired thickness and can be further processed into various utensils and kitchenware items.

Detailed Description :

S.S. Rolling Patta (Rolled Sheet or Coil) :

Description : S.S. rolling patta refers to stainless steel sheets or coils produced through a rolling process. These sheets have a smooth surface and are available in various thicknesses and widths.

Material : Made from stainless steel, rolling patta offers excellent corrosion resistance, durability, and hygiene properties, making it suitable for kitchen applications.

Uses :

Utensils : Rolling patta is commonly used in the manufacturing of utensils such as bowls, plates, trays, and cups. Its smooth surface and corrosion resistance make it ideal for serving and storing food.

Cookware : Stainless steel rolling patta is widely used in the production of cookware items such as pots, pans, and cooking trays. Its heat resistance and non-reactive properties make it suitable for cooking various dishes.

Kitchenware Accessories : Rolling patta is utilized in the fabrication of kitchenware accessories such as spoons, ladles, spatulas, and tongs. Its strength and durability ensure longevity and reliability in everyday kitchen tasks.

Food Storage Containers : Stainless steel rolling patta is employed in the construction of food storage containers, lunch boxes, and food preparation trays. Its corrosion resistance and hygiene properties make it suitable for storing and transporting food safely.

Sinks and Basins : Rolling patta is used in the manufacturing of kitchen sinks and basins due to its durability, corrosion resistance, and easy-to-clean surface. Stainless steel sinks are popular for their sleek appearance and long-lasting performance.

Kitchen Surfaces : Stainless steel rolling patta can be used as kitchen countertops, backsplashes, and wall panels. Its smooth surface is easy to clean, making it hygienic and suitable for food preparation areas.

Appliance Panels : Rolling patta is utilized as panels for kitchen appliances such as refrigerators, dishwashers, and ovens. Its aesthetic appeal and durability enhance the appearance and functionality of kitchen appliances.

Conclusion :

Stainless steel rolling patta is a versatile material widely used in the manufacturing of utensils and kitchenware. Its smooth surface, durability, and corrosion resistance make it ideal for various kitchen applications, including cookware, utensils, food storage containers, sinks, and appliance panels. Whether in residential kitchens, commercial kitchens, or food service establishments, stainless steel rolling patta provides reliable performance and aesthetic appeal in everyday kitchen tasks.